Monday, November 19, 2012

A Gentle Reminder For My Friends

Sometimes I like to post obvious things on Facebook.
Just to let people know what is going on in the world in case they live under a rock. I figure that this is one of the ways I can help my fellow classmates out...
You see, I am aware that we are all busy college students who already have enough trouble finding the time to look outside our windows, let alone realize what day it is.

Thus, I find the best way to inform my friends is through harmless Facebook statuses such as, “It’s snowing!!!” or “Finally, the Sabbath rest has come upon us…” or… this is the best: “IT’S CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS!”

I've also noticed that some college students are not capable of deciding which food is good or not. So I help them out by posting a status or two… or maybe three… like this: “Oh my goodness! Everyone, CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ARE SOOOOOOO GOOD.” Or… “Mmmm… Pumpkin spice lattes just hit the spot.”

Last and definitely not least, just in case my friends have not slept enough and have not realized that it is, in fact, finals week, I write a gentle yet stern reminder of what the perfect finals week is like: “1 hour of sleep, cup of coffee in hand, reading 785 words per minute (what a diligent pace, I dare say!), hearing the joyful melody of my FRESHMEN roomies doing their solfege, barely staying alive on my diet of those moist truffles from Bucers, and feeling those butterflies leap up and down in my Oropharynx before my natural science final. THIS MUST BE FINALS WEEK EVERYONE!!!!!”

I like to think that these oh-so subtle reminders bless everyone (and especially my boni amici!) around me.


Lydia May and Maddie Fae

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