Thursday, August 30, 2012


I was simply parched. I could barely speak. And there were no Fiji waters in the fridge... so I slipped my Tom wedges on, reapplied my almay mascara (100 % organic) and dashed out the door. I drove my birthday present, a brand new lexus.  In the grocery store, as I walked toward the beverage coolers in the back, a cupcake monkey sugar bombs Ben and Jerry's cup caught my eye. I couldn't resist. Looking both ways down the aisle, I made a bee line for it. Since I ran 2 miles today, I thought that I deserved it, but we'll see what happens on the scale tomorrow morning.
Lydia and Maddie

Simply Pulchritudinous

Today I indulged myself and got a quick trim at the hair salon downtown. And...if I do say so's pretty babe-alicious. The color compliments my eyes perfectly and the shaping makes my face look long and accentuates my cheek bones. I couldn't wait to show my friends and family the transformation. So I grabbed my phone, went into the bathroom, and took a great snapshot of my face to post as my profile picture. Do you know how hard it is to get a good picture like that? It takes many tries, but if you get the lighting just right and angle your wrist as far back as it will go you should be able to take a modelesque shot of yourself for the world to see. Just check out my fb page to see the results!                   Maddie Fae

Monday, August 27, 2012


Sitting in class all morning long, scribbling furiously to keep up with the teacher lecturing, working out at the rec center, homework...when will this day end? Oh's only 2:30, and I have to work a seven hour shift tonight starting at 3:00. I need a serious pick-me-up. Thank goodness Starbucks is always ready to make me my extra hot venti triple shot nonfat two pump toffee nut wet cappuchino with whip, any time of the day. How would I survive without them?
                                                                                        Maddie Fae

Instant Notifications

These first two weeks of college have been so hard for me. The loads of reading,  meeting new people, staying up late writing papers, and the worst... having no notifications on Facebook. So to cheer my sorry self up, I think I will instagram a few babe shots of me studying super hard. No one will know that I'm really not studying, but writing on this blog and hoping that I will get at least 20 likes on Facebook.
Lydia May

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Resplendent Sunrise

At 5:30am sharp, I woke up and went on a brisk ten mile jog through the nipping and eager air. After that, I made a fresh pot of coffee and read all of Jane Austen's favorite Jane Austen line is, "For what do we live but to make sport of our neighbors!" After reading for four and half hours, I decided to make twenty loaves of bread and five triple chocolate truffle cakes just for fun.
Lydia May

A Distressing Errand

Following my midday meal I proceeded to the grocery store to buy some organic flaxeed oil. As I stood in the checkout line thinking about my new chocolate chunk muffin recipe that I was planning on dominating that night, the cashier asked me if I preferred a paper or plastic bag. Appalled is the only word capable of describing my reaction. Paper or Plastic? I whipped out my eco friendly hand woven basket and marched out of the store.
                                                                                                Maddie Fae